Shake Up Your January With Live Music

The holidays are over and you may have finally settled down and cleaned up the Christmas tree needles from the floor and put the guest rooms back in order from family visiting. Now it’s time to shake things up again! It’s time to get out and see some live music at 4 Way Bar & […]

Why Live Music Makes a Great First Date

First dates are an exciting and hopeful time, but full of nerves and uneasiness as well. Deciding what to do for a first date can be tricky and sometimes devastating for potential couples. Choose the wrong activity and your date might be turned off, or even offended; but choose the right activity, and your night […]

Celebrate the New Year at 4 Way Bar!

Christmas is almost here and that means holiday parties with friends and family and then New Year’s parties to celebrate a new year! What makes the best New Year’s party? Friends, music, and food are all staples to any party. No matter where it is, who you are with, or what you are eating, the […]

Three No No’s For Guys’ Night Out

When guys go out together, there are certain unspoken rules that should be followed to ensure an easy-going, enjoyable night with none of that extra drama; that’s why we leave the ladies at home in the first place, right? Unfortunately, some people don’t seem to understand the implied rules of guys’ night, so let’s go […]

Formerly Cowan’s on the Creek

Locals who remember Cowan’s on the Creek have probably noticed a new restaurant in town, but they have nothing to worry about! The 4 Way Bar & Grill has taken over the restaurant that was once Cowan’s on the Creek, but we’ve proudly maintained the location’s delicious food, musician-friendly environment, and excellent customer service. If […]

Welcome to the 4 Way Bar & Grill’s Blog

Welcome to our blog! We’re so glad you’ve found your way here. Stay tuned for new posts to learn more about the 4 Way Bar & Grill, our events, our food, the surrounding community, and much more. Here at our restaurant bar and grill, we believe that a positive restaurant experience is about more than […]